Unless you're a celebrity, the answer is probably 'not really.'
You can't repeat yourself endlessly about your new article, or book, or recipe... people will stop coming to your blog to read it if that's all you offer.
The best way to solve this is to talk about other people doing great stuff... Showcase people and projects you can celebrate, and that your blog readers will be interested in as well.
Take my world of children's literature. I talk about books and censorship and the world of GLBTQ teenagers (and teens in general) a lot on my blog - but I don't often focus on librarians.
So there's this cool contest called "I Love My Librarian" - and it's all about celebrating librarians who make an impact for the good on their communities. You can check out last year's winners (I loved reading their nominations!)

And you can nominate your own librarian who has made a difference to you and in your community - the deadline's September 20.
So go toot someone else's horn. It will make you and your blog more of a resource of cool stuff... and it will make you feel awesome.
Namaste, and remember to keep it Zen,
I've never heard of the "I Love My Librarian" contest. Thanks so much for the info, Lee.